Everything You Need to Know About Us.



We have learned that when parents gather together, this is the best way for them to support their families, learn, grow, get inspired, feel connected, give back, and celebrate. So we provide regular opportunities to facilitate such gatherings, by helping parents and carers to access information normally only available to professionals while connecting them with others who share their passions.

You are welcome to join our online workshops if you have children between 0-16 years of age with either emerging or established concerns about:

  • Preparing for and becoming new parents
  • Parenting in challenging times,
  • Early years development,
  • Promoting healthy social and emotional development in young people.

You can meet our team and other parents and carers on our live online workshops made up of small parent groups. This private community is a confidential environment for parents to develop the most effective parenting behaviours and learn from each other, using action-learning and problem-solving techniques.

You can also get free access our Award Winning 'One Coach to One Family' service.


Meet Colleen

Colleen Sterling, Founder of EPM™ (Effective Parenting Matters™), is passionate about you finding the right parenting support. Workshops versus Courses or Coaching versus Mentoring: which is the right approach for you? What is your ideal outcome at the end of your parenting journey? How do you want to think and feel in your role as your child's very first educator? Figure out what kind of support you need and why.

Colleen is an award winning certified executive coach, advisor, workshop designer/facilitator, mentor, author and project leader. She has over 40 years of teaching, leadership, regulation and executive management experience in local authority-maintained Children’s Centres, schools and colleges in richly diverse communities across the UK and globally with a specialism in Early Childhood Education.

She is an accomplished champion of universal and targeted support systems. Over the past 3 decades she has designed and delivered business and operational support, workshops on regulation and development programmes in London, Germany and South Korea.

She works alongside highly skilled and experienced facilitators and coaches with backgrounds in Education, Psychology and Social care.

Together the team works extensively with parents, corporates and commissioners to further develop early help for families with children and young people. Early intervention and whole family working is the focus.

Colleen has a belief that by exposing all children to sound values, children can learn and progress, whatever their backgrounds. Equity, diversity and inclusion starts at home.


Where & When

Parent-Boost Monday is the best place to start. Register your seat and get a Boost to your week. 

10.30am - 11.30am GMT or 3.30pm - 4.30pm GMT.

Parent-Boost Mondays

Online workshops every Monday sharing parenting insights and strategies. The live sessions are usually on Monday mornings starting at 10.30 - 11.30am GMT or 7.00 - 8.00pm GMT. This private community made up of small parent groups is a confidential environment for parents to develop the most effective parenting behaviours and learn from each other, using action-learning and problem-solving techniques.

Register Your Place Here