Take a Quick Survey.
Click the button below to start.
Question 1 of 8
· Please provide your name
· Please provide your email address
· Please provide your contact number
We Never Share Your Information- (See -https://www.effectiveparentingmatters.com/pages/privacy-policy )
Question 2 of 8
How many children do you have?
5 or more
Question 3 of 8
How would you describe your family composition?
You are preparing for parenthood (no Children yet)
You are expecting your first child
You are expecting a new addition to a growing family
You have a new baby (0 - 6months)
You have Child/ren under 2 yrs
You have a child/ren between 2 - 5 years
You have a child/ren between 5 - 8 years
You have a child/ren between 8-12 years
You Have children between the ages of 12 and 16 years
You have a combination of more than one age range above. Please describe your family group in the next section.
Question 4 of 8
Describe your family group below with children's ages
or say N/A
Question 5 of 8
Describe the things you enjoy about being a parent
Watching children grow, learn, and develop
Helping them to become independent.
Introducing your values
Being their first educator
Other. Provide your answer in the next section
Question 6 of 8
Do you care for a child with disabilities or complex needs?
Please describe your child's unique needs in the box below.
Question 7 of 8
Describe how you think a dedicated coach can support your parenting.
Question 8 of 8
Describe your immediate parenting support needs.